- Name Bureau of Land Mgmt. District Office
- Type Government
- Completion Date March 2022
- 32,160 Sq.Ft.
Bureau of Land Mgmt. District Office
702 N. Industrial Way, Ely, NVThe Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) oversees mission critical operations to ensure healthy, productive landscapes to serve the American family. Programs include fire dispatch, fire preparedness and fire education, as well as public services counter, office and mapping facilities, warehousing, and vehicle/equipment storage yards.
Presidio Bay acquired the property as part of a foreclosure sales process. Due to long-term neglect from the previous owner, the facility suffered from significant deferred maintenance despite the government’s critical need to maintain their operations. Leveraging our strong relationship with BLM, Presidio Bay immediately undertook repairs to restore the field office’s operational capabilities with the intention of securing a long-term lease. Presidio Bay ultimately sold the property to a strategic owner and operator of federally leased assets who will take the project renovation to completion.